the bible to twilight
so that's my challenge to read the bible the way i read twilight but even greater.
letting go
i'm trusting God with my all. even when i feel like i have nothing else to give
im back has been crazy! with the gift revolution and finals this week time seems to fly by. last friday i did the prayer vigil and it was awesome. i've never done a prayer vigil but it was awesome to be able to do it. i wish i was able to go on tour with the revolution rally but i can't so my prayers are with them instead. finals are a bit stressful. i've been studying my butt off and am down 2, 2 to go.
it's also really cool to see God have his hand on things in your life. this past weekend at sawgrass for preschool we didn't have our usual person for setup. we ended up setting up quicker than we ever have and as we were tearing down we had more people to help than we ever had before. it shows that when you follow God's will he provides.
life's a crazy ride right now but i know God is there through it so it makes it easier to go through.
moving forward
well. i have stopped helping out in student ministry. nothing against them or anything...i think they are all great. i just didn't feel needed anymore. i'm not the type to just sit in the back and do nothing so i decided that i needed to help out where i was needed. although student ministry is where my heart lies, i've been told that there is a season for everything. right now it doesn't lie there. i miss it tremendously but i need to go where God has placed me which at the moment is at sawgrass campus. i help out with preschool and it's awesome. so although i miss my middle school girls, i feel that God doesn't need me there at the moment. of course it's hard and making a change is never easy but it isn't about me. there is a need at sawgrass right now and i have the ability to fill it. so i'm letting go and moving forward. i'm learning to go where God needs me rather than where i want to be.
well that's it for now. i'll blog tomorrow on some exciting stuff that has happened this weekend......
zipped lips

in the know
new hair??

oh wells. what do you think?!?
what are you reading?
"it is time to move on. it is time to move forward. i am not referring to a new job, a new address, a new relationship, or a new style of dress. it is time to move on in your faith. it is time to move forward in your relationship with God. if not...then palce the book back on the shelf. don't buy it."
there it is. plain, blunt and to the point. just the kind of book i like. i think for a while ive just been stuck. stuck in this spot where i havent been able to move on or grow. im ready to grow, move on, move forward. whether that means with this new major that im thinking about or with getting more involved at sawgrass im not completely sure. all i know is that im done sitting around hoping that life will move me. im ready to move life...if that makes any sense.
im getting out of my chair and going to move again.
what to do?!?!
"Physical therapists should have strong interpersonal skills so that they can educate patients about their physical therapy treatments and communicate with patients’ families. Physical therapists also should be compassionate and possess a desire to help patients. "
this is an aspect of the job that intrigues me the most. i know that no matter what i do i want to be able to help people. this is a way to do it.
any feedback?!?! i need it
amazing weekend!!!!
we woke up the next morning and went to church (it took us forever to get shane up) but me and my 3 watsons headed to summit church. it was pretty good. then afterwards we went and had breakfast/lunch in "sove". then us girls went and chilled in shannons dorm. then we went to the store with her roommates so we could make skyline. it was really good. and we got to make halloween cookies (well make some and eat some dough) and just chill while watching an amazing movie -- made of honor. then sam shannon and i met up with the 3 boys and went and had dinner at moes. yummy. afterwards we headed back to the school and shane headed out and me and vito got ready for the ride home. after saying goodbyes and about 2 hours later i am finally home. it was an awesome weekend and im so glad that i got to go. yea!!!!
goal i'm keeping
YEA!!! this is a goal i am going to continue keeping!
update of my life

get a free pampering session or hold a class with you and some friends. its a great way to hang out and i promise it would be a lot of fun :)

besides all of that loveliness. church is busy as ever. i got to play for sawgrass a couple weekends ago (which i love!!!!!!!) and then this past weekend i helped out in the nursery there with lindsey. it was awesome. my arms hurt a bit from holding kids but it was worth it.
well thats a little insight of my life for right now. im finally getting focused and trusting God in what he wants me to do.
keep moving on
sometimes i feel like this. i feel like Job pushed past my limits. i know deep down that i can get over whatever it is thats blocking my path but sometimes i feel that im just out of strength. i feel that im out of the game and theres nothing left in me to fight with.
starting new
you need....
moving on
this summer has been a bunch of ups and downs. fun times and rough realities. friendships lost and new ones made. happiness and sadness. but this summer has shown me that i can get through a stronger woman because of the things ive gone through and i've got God on my side helping me through everyday.
cherish what you have
now its just a matter of getting my car fixed and finding the money to pay my deductable. God works everything out though so i'm not worried. it would be easy to get so stressed over this and worry every waking moment but that wouldn't solve anything. so i just work a little extra and know that it will all be fine in the end.
well thats it for now. later
back home
be back in a week!!!!
thanks to everyone who helped it be possible for me to go :)
on my mind
why blog?

courage is
late night fun
"not what i wanted"
well heres what i want:
someone who realizes what he has when he has me
someone who realizes that im ok with him hanging with his friends
someone who realizes that you can take things day by day and not worry about the future right now
someone who realizes im stronger than you think
someone who is willing to take a risk and see how things might work out
someone who isnt afraid to show his feelings
someone who takes the time to call
someone who isnt afraid to be honest with me
someone who stops caring about what his boys think
somoone who realizes that you can have your boys and a girlfriend too
someone who wouldnt even think about hurting me
someone who has his heart set on God
someone who takes a chance
someone who makes an effort
someone who cares
relationships are never easy. they take work...but you have to be willing to work at them. you get annoyed with one another, you fight, but thats what makes it worthwhile. im not an expert at relationships...thats probably why im not in one anymore. but i know what i want and God has that person for me. i just have to wait
i know this blog is probably a little direct and maybe a bit harsh. its not meant to be. this is just my release of some steam.
sorry i wasnt what you wanted
oh wise one
rachel + communication = super hard
"party scene"
how many more students will we lose because partying seems to be the more fun route?
when will people begin to change and learn to live God's way even when it isn't the "norm"?
well i think its time to try and hit the sack again. these are my thoughts at 5AM when i cant sleep
i need to get unstuck. i need to move.
thats how im feeling. later
the end
woo hoo!!! no more school this summer!!!
letting go and letting God
here is my prayer tonight:
let me let go of the things that have been holding me down recently. the struggles ive been facing internally and externally. help me to be confident in who you made me to be and know that it is enough. let me really on you that you have got it all in your hands and your plan is way bigger than mine. let me not be frustrated with the bumps in the road but try to embrace them. let me continue to focus on you in all that i do no matter how many distractions will pop up. let me follow your will and not my own. let me let go and let you take control.
God, help me to be secure in who it is that you made me to be.
i hate insecurity!
love love love way!
ah. i feel so much better!
patience is a virtue
Lord, help me be patient
complicated enough
what do you think?
stepping back
until they decide that they want to change and do better--they wont do it. so as hard as it may be to just watch sometimes theres nothing more you can do. just pray and know that God has something in store.
later ya'll
He Lives!!!!

HE LIVES!!!! that was what this easter weekend was all about. Jesus lives! how awesome is that?! this weekend was amazing. everything from being a part of the choir to helping out with the youth service just rocked! i am so glad i was able to pitch in. at the youth service the band rocked it and we had a rocking bunny and chicken (battle was hilarious). the easter egg hunt was so much fun to watch. then matt miller did an awesome job in his teaching (guilt-forgiveness, God's plan, and sending his son for US). several students stood up and accepted Christ which was awesome!! adding to God's family. then afterwards students were baptized. it was awesome to see that...especially a few that i knew personally (caitlyn, karli). sunday was awesome too! i got the privilege to be in the choir. it was so fun and pumped...i have to say the last hour was my favorite. to be up there and just worshiping together and watching people in the audience truly is an amazing sight. God really worked wonders this weekend...sitting through troy's message and watching how many people came to the front to accept Christ was amazing! to know it happened at each of the services!! wow. God is so amazing!!!!
here is a part of the song the choir sang that has been in my head since before the services which started friday...what an awesome thing to know he lives!
He lives
He lives
Conquered the grave
Covered our sin
He lives
He lives
Death could not hold the promise within
He's alive
Death where is your sting
He's alive
Grave your victory
He's alive
Jesus holds the key
He reigns
Forever and ever
i love
yummy breakfast!
oh wells. enough of my ranting. time to face reality.
now the past couple weeks havent been all peachy. i lost my jumpdrive which has a lot of stuff i need on it. ive gotten in a couple arguments with my mom and sister. its been ups and downs but all an adventure. i am getting to understand myself better...which may be weird to say but im learning how to be me...goofball and all.
i really am grateful for all the opportunities i have been given. a great job, the opportunity to go on another mission trip. awesome friends. God has blessed me...who knows why. but i am grateful for all i have been given. now im working on giving back. its never an easy road to travel but its one worth traveling
decisions decisions decisions

i love my small group
well i should be getting back to my studying..woo hoo. well tomorrow is my big test, work, the gym, and then girls night with the girls from small group. tomorrow is looking good. haha. well goodnight for now.
letting go
love you grandma.
start to listen
queen of procrastination
AHHHH help!!!
awesome weekend!!!
suprise suprise

so today i received an unexpected gift. im at work and a delivery guy shows up with a beautiful bouquet of roses...for me. suprised would be the least of my expressions. i love the flowers but am unaware of the sender. for now i guess it will remain a mystery. suprises brighten the darkest days
Mobile post sent by rachelb using Utterz.
all shapes and sizes
im excited!
hardcore rebels
so yesterday i went and did something completely impuslive. carson and i went and got our cartilages pierced. we talked about it saturday and ended up going on sunday. how crazy is that?!? the drive there was nuts. it was full of insane nervousness, never ending laughter and complete excitement. when we got there we both got so quiet. we would say something and then just sat there breathing. finally the guy called us back. i went first. he put on his headphones and just started jamming out. so i sat there, nervous as can be, and closed my eyes. after a couple minutes i was done and walked out. carson was up next. i watched for a second but couldnt. all i heard was her say "this is horribly painful". in the end we both were finished with our brand new piercings and ride home not believing that we had done it. im going to change the stud to a smaller one but for now its ok. carson and i now have a story...we are hardcore rebels. haha. here are some pics of us afterwords.

never ending

well i have got to go...big day.
summoned to lead
"leaders are neither born nor made. leaders are summoned. they are called into existence by circumstances. those who rise to the occasion are leaders."
i never thought about it this way before i read this. "leaders are summoned"...God summons us to lead in different circumstances. ive seen people be leaders and followers. for me i have felt for sometime that God has been calling me to lead the youth first impressions team. i have been trying to do that. i know i havent given it my 100% attention at the moment because honestly my plate is very full. also to be afraid of failing. every leader that has attempted to make this team work hasnt. i dont want to be another one of those leaders. i know that i cant focus on that because if i do i will never get anywhere. i just need ideas and a kick in the rear end to get me going.
i need some creativity!!!!!!!!!!!! got any?
a new direction??
this is a big step for me. i dont know what is going to happen or if i'll hate it and never want to do it again. i feel very privileged that they want me to play. it all is to give glory to God and that is what i intend to do. we'll see how it goes.
later ya'll.
lettting go