this picture is an image of what my life feels like at the moment. it is like a never ending road. it just keeps going and going and i cant see where it stops. tonight was the first night in several where i just stayed home and relax (and that isn't something i normally do on a friday night). work has been insane and im there past when im suppose to every day. not to mention school has started up so add that to my plate. as my dad would say, "im getting a taste of the real world". the world we live in is crazy. like shop till ya drop its work until you cant work anymore. i realized these past 2 weeks that i have been getting so busy that i have been forgetting the little things like contact with close friends. i finally planned a get together for my old homegroup (jenn's homegroup!!!!!) for us all to go to dinner. so far everyone is going. im so excited. these girls have been there for me and always been straight up with me when they had to. it is awesome how God places people in your life just when you need them the most.
well i have got to go...big day.
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