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"not what i wanted"

tonight was a pretty crappy night. "it's not what i want" were the words that sum it up.

well heres what i want:
someone who realizes what he has when he has me
someone who realizes that im ok with him hanging with his friends
someone who realizes that you can take things day by day and not worry about the future right now
someone who realizes im stronger than you think
someone who is willing to take a risk and see how things might work out
someone who isnt afraid to show his feelings
someone who takes the time to call
someone who isnt afraid to be honest with me
someone who stops caring about what his boys think
somoone who realizes that you can have your boys and a girlfriend too
someone who wouldnt even think about hurting me
someone who has his heart set on God
someone who takes a chance
someone who makes an effort
someone who cares

relationships are never easy. they take work...but you have to be willing to work at them. you get annoyed with one another, you fight, but thats what makes it worthwhile. im not an expert at relationships...thats probably why im not in one anymore. but i know what i want and God has that person for me. i just have to wait

i know this blog is probably a little direct and maybe a bit harsh. its not meant to be. this is just my release of some steam.

sorry i wasnt what you wanted