zipped lips
Posted by
on Monday, November 3, 2008
have you ever been upset where you said something you shouldn't have? i know i should have kept it to myself but i was upset so i vented to a close friend...ok two close friends. that was it. but what was surprising was they already knew. they had already heard it. well opening my mouth created some issues...just my luck. i didn't mean to get anyone in trouble that's why i never said names but i needed to vent and figure out what to do. i wasn't gossiping and telling the world, i was venting and telling my closest friends. like always things don't ever seem to turn out right for me. i didn't mean to upset anyone and i'm sorry i did. i guess they just don't realize that it hurt me more than they realized. this didn't only affect that other person but it affected me a lot. probably more than that other one. so if people stay mad, i'm sorry and that's all i can say. i can't wait to get out of this stupid craphole.

Move to Fort Myers!
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