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why blog?

lately ive been asked the question why i blog. there are those people who thinks it is silly and dumb. as for me, its kind of like my comfort zone. its like a diary that the world can see. ive never been able to write down my feelings in a journal...thats just not the type of girl i am. my release from things is either through writing songs or blogging. blogging has become my release. for some reason im comfortable with the idea of typing what im feeling and then publishing it. sure that may not be the case with everything i feel but when i need to at that moment i just sit at my laptop and type. for me ill type about an experience and not say names and i feel a whole lot better afterwards. blogging has become an escape where i can say what i need to say and if people dont like it they dont have to read it. 

there is my reason for blogging. thanks blogger!