so here is an update of my life. you are now looking (well reading) of one of the new members of Mary Kay cosmetics. i know what some of you may be thinking, but it really is an awesome organization. a christian organization with a bunch of women who really want the best for you promoting a number 1 brand. what more could you ask for? ive already made some amazing friends and am learning to pop out of my bubble. it is exciting and scary all at the same time. im scared of failure but at the same time would be failing myself if i didnt even try. you can help me out by visiting my website
www.marykay.com/rachbonnetget a free pampering session or hold a class with you and some friends. its a great way to hang out and i promise it would be a lot of fun :)

other stuff in my life. ive been swamped with school. writing essays, doing homework, studying for tests. its crazy. however...news update. i applied for FGCU today!!! i am ready to branch my wings. ok well ive been ready the past 2 years but i finally have the ability to go away next year. yea to my parents being awesome and getting me florida prepaid, i got an awesome check in the mail from bright futures. help me pay off some of the debt that ive created for myself....thats what i get for getting in an accident. but im actually taking the intiative these days with my school career at the moment. i have actually made an appointment to see an advisor and discuss classes and my future. scary.
besides all of that loveliness. church is busy as ever. i got to play for sawgrass a couple weekends ago (which i love!!!!!!!) and then this past weekend i helped out in the nursery there with lindsey. it was awesome. my arms hurt a bit from holding kids but it was worth it.
well thats a little insight of my life for right now. im finally getting focused and trusting God in what he wants me to do.
yay you applied!
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