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while the world sleeps...

so i'm sitting here in my sisters hospital room right now as she's sleeping and i can't. it's like a bazillion things are going through my head. she's been sick and has been in the hospital now for 3 days. they still haven't figured out what is wrong with here. they're running tests and everything. yesterday i had a bit of a freak out moment (which doesn't happen very often) where all the possible what-if's ran through my mind...worse case scenarios type of deal. i'm over that now and i know that it is all in God's hands. it's hard to wait around just wondering what's going to happen. i've realized it while i've been up late at night just sitting in the hospital room tonight and last night. for me, i like to know how things are going to work out but that's not the way it is. i just need to trust that God has it all under control and through him it will all work out.

i know this...i'm just having one of my moments. well its late and time to join the rest of the world and sleep.