wow what a day! its been insane. the past couple days have been hard. i got into a huge argument with my parents and ended up leaving and not coming home until this morning (christmas morning). i finally realized when waking up this morning that i didnt want to miss out on today. it wasnt about opening up the presents or chowing down on food but i didnt want to miss out on reading the christmas story as a family. every year we start off christmas morning with that. and thats how i want to keep it. that is the real reason for the season. Jesus being born in a manger and later dying for our sins. how amazing is that??? why in the world he did that i will never know. it just shows his unending love for us. he really is the reason for the season.

thank you Jesus. for being born and bearing the cross. it was a price you shouldn't have had to pay but you did it anyways. thank you. happy birthday Jesus!!!
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