i believe in the sun, even when it's not shining
i believe in love, even when i don't feel it
i believe in God, even when He is silent
and i, i believe
-- barlowgirl
these are the chorus lyrics for the song i believe in love by barlowgirl. this song just really grabbed my heart in how true this is. you know the sun will come out eventually and you know love is there even when it's not felt at times. God is silent sometimes but i think its more that...i think it is our ears are closed. i couldnt tell you how many times my ears are closed because there would be too many to name. God hasnt forgotten anyone, He made us. so even when He is silent or my ears are closed, i will continue to believe in Him
the reason for the season
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on Tuesday, December 25, 2007
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wow what a day! its been insane. the past couple days have been hard. i got into a huge argument with my parents and ended up leaving and not coming home until this morning (christmas morning). i finally realized when waking up this morning that i didnt want to miss out on today. it wasnt about opening up the presents or chowing down on food but i didnt want to miss out on reading the christmas story as a family. every year we start off christmas morning with that. and thats how i want to keep it. that is the real reason for the season. Jesus being born in a manger and later dying for our sins. how amazing is that??? why in the world he did that i will never know. it just shows his unending love for us. he really is the reason for the season.

thank you Jesus. for being born and bearing the cross. it was a price you shouldn't have had to pay but you did it anyways. thank you. happy birthday Jesus!!!
falling in place
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on Friday, December 21, 2007
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things to be finally falling into place. last night was amazing! we had our first ever youth christmas service. it started with staff lip singing nsync and then the eggnog challenge video (a bunch of high school boys puking). then javan sang deck the halls...amazingly. dans winter camp video was amazing and then alvin and the chipmunks came out. o holy night, have yourself a merry christmas, and the christmas song were hung and then chad came out and spoke. victoria (an 8th grade student) then sang my redeemer lives. the coolest part was at the very end before people got baptized there was just a moment of worship as we sang came to my rescue. it was truly awesome.
christmas is only a couple days away and i cant wait. so many times i get caught up in the gifts and decorations that i forget the real meaning of christmas. had it not been for a baby in the manger there would be no christmas or salvation. he truly is the reason for the season. i pray that i continue to remember the real reason for christmas.
tomorrow is our band meeting. its going to be awesome! night ya'll!
christmas is only a couple days away and i cant wait. so many times i get caught up in the gifts and decorations that i forget the real meaning of christmas. had it not been for a baby in the manger there would be no christmas or salvation. he truly is the reason for the season. i pray that i continue to remember the real reason for christmas.
tomorrow is our band meeting. its going to be awesome! night ya'll!
late nights
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on Sunday, December 16, 2007
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so...ive just written 2 blogs and its 12:37 am and i cant fall asleep (if i could i wouldnt be sitting here typing these).
for some reason all the things that have happened in recent weeks have been playing over in my mind. stress is something that has been in my everyday world. its like tonight i have been hit by an emotional whirlwind. i know God never gives you more than you can handle but i think to myself that i cant do this. i feel like i am an ant in this huge world.
im the type of person takes things personally and its not always the best trait. its hard for me to see close friends making unwise choices. what makes it worse is that you dont have their other friends keep them accountable. i know keeping one another accountable is never easy but in order to be a good friend its something you have got to do. im learning that i have to realize that i cant make decisions for other people or force them to do something. sometimes you just have to be there for them as they make these decisions and say what you can but nothing more. they have got to learn it on their own. its never easy but it is what has to be done.
right now im in need of strength and trust. strength to get me through these days and to continue to trust that God is here through it all even though i may not feel it
for some reason all the things that have happened in recent weeks have been playing over in my mind. stress is something that has been in my everyday world. its like tonight i have been hit by an emotional whirlwind. i know God never gives you more than you can handle but i think to myself that i cant do this. i feel like i am an ant in this huge world.
im the type of person takes things personally and its not always the best trait. its hard for me to see close friends making unwise choices. what makes it worse is that you dont have their other friends keep them accountable. i know keeping one another accountable is never easy but in order to be a good friend its something you have got to do. im learning that i have to realize that i cant make decisions for other people or force them to do something. sometimes you just have to be there for them as they make these decisions and say what you can but nothing more. they have got to learn it on their own. its never easy but it is what has to be done.
right now im in need of strength and trust. strength to get me through these days and to continue to trust that God is here through it all even though i may not feel it
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tonight we had our homegroup christmas party. yes our homegroup has ended since college has started and homegroup was our high school years but we have not ended the friendships. drifted apart a bit but we have all made a pact to get together when we are all back home. we are definately an interesting group of girls. you've got smarts and sarcasm bottled into one. it is definately an interesting mixture.
its funny how you can be apart for so long and then reunite and everything is the same. our friendship is like that. we can not see each other forever yet when we do it is like we havent seen each other in a day or so.
i thank God for the friends he has blessed me with. new and old. he has blessed me with friends who are close to my heart and have been there for me through thick and thin. i would not be where i am had it not been for the friends i have. thank you to those who have dealt with me (even in my worst times...which i know there have been plenty).
later ya'll.
its funny how you can be apart for so long and then reunite and everything is the same. our friendship is like that. we can not see each other forever yet when we do it is like we havent seen each other in a day or so.
i thank God for the friends he has blessed me with. new and old. he has blessed me with friends who are close to my heart and have been there for me through thick and thin. i would not be where i am had it not been for the friends i have. thank you to those who have dealt with me (even in my worst times...which i know there have been plenty).
later ya'll.
world of blogging
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i have entered into the world of bloggers. i decided that this is a good place to let out the many thoughts that i have and just have a way to release the emotions i can sometimes bottle inside.
hello to the blog world.
hello to the blog world.