so at this moment my car is in the shop getting repaired. the day we left for peru i was on my way to ambers house to get a ride to the airport and bam...i rear-ended someone. i looked down for 2 seconds and didn't give myself enough braking time. for me never being in a real accident or anything before it was extremely scary. however God was with me. while i was freaking out everyone else was calm. my dad showed up to help out and take me to the airport after. the guy who i hit wasn't mad or anything so that was good and the cops were doing everything they could to work with me since i had to be in the airport. for my first accident it was a smooth process even though i know its not usually that way. God was there...i didn't get a ticket and nobody was hurt. and i even made it to the airport a little early.
now its just a matter of getting my car fixed and finding the money to pay my deductable. God works everything out though so i'm not worried. it would be easy to get so stressed over this and worry every waking moment but that wouldn't solve anything. so i just work a little extra and know that it will all be fine in the end.
well thats it for now. later
back home
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on Thursday, July 24, 2008
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well im back to reality. this past week has been unforgettable. what an amazing trip. i have been so blessed to have had the opportunity to go to peru. everything from the people who went to the outreach that we did was awesome. you could see God's hand at work the whole time. as glad as i am to be home i would love to still be there. its amazing to see God working in your life and others. its nuts how i take so many things for granted and just lose sight of what it is God is doing. even through all the stupid issues i deal with here at home its nothing compared to what others are facing. im wonder how did i end up being born here in the united states and not in a shack somewhere else. i definately dont deserve it.
this trip has been completely humbling. i have been so blessed to have the privilege to go. well im exhausted but ill write more about it all later. and there will be pics too.
night :)
Posted by
on Thursday, July 17, 2008
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so today im leaving for peru. woo hoo! im so stoked. this is such a privilege to be able to go and serve others and forget about myself. im excited to see what God has in store for me and everyone else who is going. i know he has big things planned. pray for safe travel, team, and effectiveness.
be back in a week!!!!
thanks to everyone who helped it be possible for me to go :)
be back in a week!!!!
thanks to everyone who helped it be possible for me to go :)
Posted by
on Sunday, July 13, 2008
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life isnt about how hard times may be but instead how you overcame them (no matter how long it may take)
on my mind
Posted by
on Monday, July 7, 2008
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have you ever wanted to have a face to face conversation with someone but werent sure what to say/how to say it/when to say it?
right now i know this is what i need but i feel like i may never get it. i need that one on one. i just am at a loss in how to get there. i know i deserve that much but its a matter of getting there that i just dont know. its not something that i want done when there are a thousand other people in the other room or something.
just a one on one/face to face conversation. uninterrupted. honest. closure. i deserve that much
why blog?
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there is my reason for blogging. thanks blogger!
courage is
Posted by
on Sunday, July 6, 2008
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i started watching the secret life of an american teenager. its definately an interesting show. my favorite part though is the theme song. courage is. here is the chorus:
courage is
when you're afraid
but you keep on moving
courage is
when you're in pain
but you keep on moving
lifes been an interesting roller coaster this past week. but like the song you have to keep moving on. thats what my life is consisting of...moving on.
late night fun
Posted by
on Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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