mission trip. i get the great privilege of going on another mission trip to peru. i have been there twice before and they have both been unbelievable, overwhelming experiences. this picture here is of my trip last year. it is at an all girls orphanage. the little girl i am holding is named andrea. the whole time there she clung to me which was such an awesome thing. when she went to go get her goodies that we brought she ran back to show me. she gave me the opportunity to just love on her. show her that i cared and that she was special and important. it was such an awesome experience. once we had left i found out she had just been brought there a week before. her mother had left her and she had been taken to this orphanage...the one i would be at a week later. in a new environment and completely unaware of her own surroundings and not knowing who the heck i was she still let me love on her. this is such a hard decision because it is something that i am extremely passionate about. missions, music, and the youth ministry are my 3 passions. i am trying to do what God wants me to do and not just what i want to do...cause if i were doing what i want to do id be on a plane right now. i pray that God grants me the wisdom on what the right decision to make is.
insight anyone???