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whatever you have done, whatever you have become, it doesn't matter. please come home

this past weekend I heard a message on the prodigal son. with the things I've gone through recently, I heard it in a completely new light. the 4 major points described God as a God who loves us...
1. when we make foolish choices
2. when we fail
3. while he waits for our return
4. when we come home
that was me. making stupid decisions, failing and trying to find my way back home. I think everyone at one point or another goes through that. it may be for a day, month, or even several years but he is always there waiting for us to come home. I think we sometimes get to that place where you think you can't come home anymore. that you've made too many dumb moves to make your way back.
i heard the song 'where we belong' for the first time this week. the pre-chorus says "your love is never ending, to your hands we surrender, where all our sins are washed away. your grace beyond reason, has paid for our freedom, we're made alive in you." never ending love. grace beyond reason. i don't even know how to comprehend that. it is beyond what I know or can show.
just like the father was outside waiting for the son to return, God waits for us. he waited for me. no one could force him to come home, drag him kicking and screaming the whole way. he had to come to that decision on his own. as hard as it was for the dad, knowing what his son would get into, he had to let him. God lets us make the decisions, even when he knows the outcome, that it is the wrong path, he lets us go and waits for us to return. it is our choice. he waits...that's crazy to me being as I'm such an impatient person and when I see someone falling I want to shake them until they get it but I can't. I can't save anyone just like no one could save me. I had to want to change. it's not easy and it's painful and it's hard to admit you screwed up...but God is there waiting to welcome us home

"whatever you have done, whatever you have become, it doesn't matter. please come home"