this weekend was awesome!!!! after several weeks without seeing my watsons i finally got to see them! i went over to fgcu around 5 with my travel buddy, vito. the car ride wasnt too bad since we just jammed to music the whole ride over. we got there and went to shannons dorm where i got to meet her roommates and then me sam shannon and vito went to go eat. brian came and joined us once we got there. the joys of college food. after that we all went over to town center and walked around and bought some things. they had a cool band thing playing that we got to see. then we headed back to shannons dorm to play sing-song. which is so much fun (rock band singing but without the rest of the band). shane showed up around midnight and we just chilled till around 2 and then sam and i went back to her dorm to go to sleep. well around 430 in the morning the stinkin fire alarm goes off. at first we tried to ignore it because we figured someone just set it off. and then her RA came and banged on our door and it kept going off so we finally got up and went outside. well we were outside for a half an hour before they finally let us back in. shane vito and brian all slept straight through it. how they did that i would love to know because it was sooo loud.
we woke up the next morning and went to church (it took us forever to get shane up) but me and my 3 watsons headed to summit church. it was pretty good. then afterwards we went and had breakfast/lunch in "sove". then us girls went and chilled in shannons dorm. then we went to the store with her roommates so we could make skyline. it was really good. and we got to make halloween cookies (well make some and eat some dough) and just chill while watching an amazing movie -- made of honor. then sam shannon and i met up with the 3 boys and went and had dinner at moes. yummy. afterwards we headed back to the school and shane headed out and me and vito got ready for the ride home. after saying goodbyes and about 2 hours later i am finally home. it was an awesome weekend and im so glad that i got to go. yea!!!!
goal i'm keeping
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on Monday, September 22, 2008
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so a goal of mine for forever has been to work out. ive never had the motive to do it or stuck to it in the past. i even had a gym membership but just didn't go. but i have broken that hold. i have finally consistently been working out about 5 times a week. running and doing fun workouts. i've finally stuck it out.
YEA!!! this is a goal i am going to continue keeping!
YEA!!! this is a goal i am going to continue keeping!
update of my life
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get a free pampering session or hold a class with you and some friends. its a great way to hang out and i promise it would be a lot of fun :)

besides all of that loveliness. church is busy as ever. i got to play for sawgrass a couple weekends ago (which i love!!!!!!!) and then this past weekend i helped out in the nursery there with lindsey. it was awesome. my arms hurt a bit from holding kids but it was worth it.
well thats a little insight of my life for right now. im finally getting focused and trusting God in what he wants me to do.
keep moving on
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on Sunday, September 7, 2008
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Job 6:8 (the message) "All I want is an answer to one prayer, a last request to be honored: Let God step on me—squash me like a bug, and be done with me for good. I'd at least have the satisfaction of not having blasphemed the Holy God, before being pressed past the limits. Where's the strength to keep my hopes up? What future do I have to keep me going? Do you think I have nerves of steel? Do you think I'm made of iron? Do you think I can pull myself up by my bootstraps? Why, I don't even have any boots!"
sometimes i feel like this. i feel like Job pushed past my limits. i know deep down that i can get over whatever it is thats blocking my path but sometimes i feel that im just out of strength. i feel that im out of the game and theres nothing left in me to fight with.
sometimes i feel like this. i feel like Job pushed past my limits. i know deep down that i can get over whatever it is thats blocking my path but sometimes i feel that im just out of strength. i feel that im out of the game and theres nothing left in me to fight with.
starting new
Posted by
on Thursday, September 4, 2008
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well i am officially 19. as of tuesday. pretty sweet.
but yea. i have started something new. i am now waking up early to go running and then doing my devotions after that. it is now the beginning of my day. im excited because i did this today for the first time (knowing that jules would later ask if i had -- thanks accountability) and my day just went great. lately ive been a slacker in my devotions and today really showed the difference it makes.
ive got a new mindset. no more focusing on other people and the drama it entails. instead i am focusing on God and me.
im excited!