HE LIVES!!!! that was what this easter weekend was all about. Jesus lives! how awesome is that?! this weekend was amazing. everything from being a part of the choir to helping out with the youth service just rocked! i am so glad i was able to pitch in. at the youth service the band rocked it and we had a rocking bunny and chicken (battle dancing...it was hilarious). the easter egg hunt was so much fun to watch. then matt miller did an awesome job in his teaching (guilt-forgiveness, God's plan, and sending his son for US). several students stood up and accepted Christ which was awesome!! adding to God's family. then afterwards students were baptized. it was awesome to see that...especially a few that i knew personally (caitlyn, karli). sunday was awesome too! i got the privilege to be in the choir. it was so fun and pumped...i have to say the last hour was my favorite. to be up there and just worshiping together and watching people in the audience worshiping...it truly is an amazing sight. God really worked wonders this weekend...sitting through troy's message and watching how many people came to the front to accept Christ was amazing! to know it happened at each of the services!! wow. God is so amazing!!!!
here is a part of the song the choir sang that has been in my head since before the services which started friday...what an awesome thing to know he lives!
He lives
He lives
Conquered the grave
Covered our sin
He lives
He lives
Death could not hold the promise within
He's alive
Death where is your sting
He's alive
Grave your victory
He's alive
Jesus holds the key
He reigns
Forever and ever